• In a digital world, we are more vulnerable to malicious attacks, cyber frauds, invasions of privacy, and other such bad activities.
  • This course offers detailed understanding of Cyber Security knowledge which is helpful to everyone now a day to keep safe in the online world.
KLiC Cyber Security
Course Features:
  • Language: English
  • Duration: 60 hours (1 months)
  • Learning Mode: Center, At Home on Laptop/ Desktop
  • Jurisdiction: Nationwide
  • Certificate of Completion

  • Learner should preferably a std. 10th Pass student (Not Compulsory)
  • It is desirable that Learner should have done MS-CIT Course (Not Compulsory)


Cybersecurity i.e., Security in cyberspace is about technologies, processes, and policies that help to prevent as well as reduce the negative impact of events such as cyber-crimes and cyber terrorism in cyberspace.

  • It keeps us safe from online frauds, banking frauds, hacking, etc.
  • In this course the emphasis is not only about learning Cyber Security awareness but is to provide the aspirant hands-on practical knowledge
  • Cyber Security course is designed for the young aspirants who want to shape their careers in the IT Security field.

Who Should Join

  • Beginners or IT professionals interested in ethical hacking and penetration testing who want to learn tools like Kali Linux, Nmap, and Wireshark.
  • Cybersecurity Enthusiasts interested in understanding the basics of cybersecurity, ethical hacking tools, and methods to protect data and information.
  • System administrators, network engineers, and IT support personnel seeking to improve their cybersecurity knowledge and learn to secure networks, devices, and operating systems.
  • General Users who want to learn about protecting their personal devices, secure their home or office networks, and prevent cyber threats.
  • Individuals studying information security or related fields looking for practical exposure to cybersecurity tools and techniques.

What you'll learn ?

In this course, you will get an overview of the cyber security, various types of viruses and malware, how to protect our system from viruses, types of cyber-attacks, various tools used for cyber-attacks, how to secure system from cyber-attacks.

The course covers vividly the below given elements:

  • Securing Personal Devices and Operating Systems
  • Securing Wi-Fi, LAN Networks
  • Tools used for Ethical Hacking
  • Data and Information security
  • Cyber Attacks and their Types

Software/Tools covered:

  • Avast antivirus
  • Comodo firewall
  • Angry IP scanner
  • Kali Linux OS
  • Virtual box software to install Kali Linux on VM
  • Nmap tool
  • Wireshark tool

Objectives of the syllabus:

  • To aware the learner about online frauds and best practices to keep safe
  • Provide good understanding of daily life cyber security skills with examples
  • Learner should able to implement security skills practically


  • MKCL provides certificate to the KLiC learner after his/her successful course completion

Academic Approach

The academic approach of the courses focuses on the “work-centric” education i.e. begin with work (and not from a book!), derive knowledge from work and apply that knowledge to make the work more wholesome, useful and delightful. The ultimate objective is to empower the Learner to engage in socially useful and productive work. It aims at leading the learner to his/her rewarding career as an employee or entrepreneur as well as development of the community to which s/he belongs. Learning methodology:

  • Step -1: Learners are given an overview of the course and its connection to life and work.
  • Step -2: Learners are exposed to the specific tool(s) used in the course through the various real-life applications of the tool(s).
  • Step -3: Learners are acquainted with the careers and the hierarchy of roles they can perform at workplaces after attaining increasing levels of mastery over the tool(s).
  • Step -4: Learners are acquainted with the architecture of the tool or tool map so as to appreciate various parts of the tool, their functions, utility and inter-relations.
  • Step -5: Learners are exposed to simple application development methodology by using the tool at the beginner’s level.
  • Step -6: Learners perform the differential skills related to the use of the tool to improve the given ready-made industry-standard outputs.
  • Step -7: Learners are engaged in appreciation of real-life case studies developed by the experts.
  • Step -8: Learners are encouraged to proceed from appreciation to imitation of the experts.
  • Step -9: After the imitation experience, they are required to improve the expert’s outputs so that they proceed from mere imitation to emulation.
  • Step-10: Emulation is taken a level further from working with differential skills towards the visualization and creation of a complete output according to the requirements provided. (Long Assignments)
  • Step-11: Understanding the requirements, communicating one’s own thoughts and presenting are important skills required in facing an interview for securing a work order/job. For instilling these skills, learners are presented with various subject-specific technical as well as HR-oriented questions and encouraged to answer them.
  • Step-12: Finally, they develop the integral skills involving optimal methods and best practices to produce useful outputs right from scratch, publish them in their ePortfolio and thereby proceed from emulation to self-expression, from self-expression to self-confidence and from self-confidence to self-reliance and self-esteem!


The course covers vividly the below given elements:

  • Securing Personal Devices and Operating Systems
  • Securing Wi-Fi, LAN Networks
  • Tools used for Ethical Hacking
  • Data and Information security
  • Cyber Attacks and their Types
  • Overview of Computer Viruses
  • Downloading and Installing Good Antivirus Software
  • Rootkits
  • Botnets
  • Ransomware
  • Securing Personal computers and Operating Systems
  • Patch Management
  • Patch Deployment and verification
  • Installing and configuring Open Source Firewall
  • Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
  • Network Load Balancers
  • Setting LAB environment
  • VPN Configuration
  • Types of Cyber Attacks
  • Phishing and Spoofing attacks
  • Social Engineering
  • Using Network Packet Analyzers
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Foot printing
  • Open Source Security Scanning tools like NMAP
  • Using Kali Linux for exploring various Ethical Hacking Tools

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern of KLiC Courses consists of 4 Sections as per below table:

Section No. Section Name Total Marks Minimum Passing Marks
1 Learning Progression 25 10
2 Internal Assessment 25 10
3 Final Online Examination 50 20
Total 100 40
4 SUPWs (Socially Useful and Productive Work in form of Assignments) 5 Assignments 2 Assignments to be Completed & Uploaded
YCMOU Mark Sheet

Printed Mark Sheet will be issued by YCMOU on successful completion of Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3 and will be delivered to the learner by MKCL.
YCMOU Mark Sheet will be available only for Maharashtra jurisdiction learners.

MKCL's KLiC Certificate

The certificate will be provided to the learner who will satisfy the below criteria:

  1. Learners who have successfully completed above mentioned 3 Sections i.e. Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3
  2. Additionally, learner should have completed Section 4 (i.e. Section 4 will comprise of SUPWs i.e. Socially Useful and Productive Work in form of Assignments)
    • Learner has to complete and upload minimum 2 out of 5 Assignments

KLiC Courses Fee Structure from 01 January, 2025

From 01 January 2025 onwards, the fees for all KLiC courses in ALCs of Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (MMRDA), Pune Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (PMRDA) and rest of Maharashtra will be applicable as shown in the table below:

KLiC Courses of 60 Hours:

Region Total Fee (Rupees)
MMRDA, PMRDA and Rest of Maharashtra 3000/-

Total fee is including of Course fees, Examination fees and Certification fees