C is one of the most widely used and user friendly programming language. It is faster than any other programming language. The main features of C language are simple set of keywords, low-level access to memory and clean style.
Learning C programming has lot of advantages:
You will be able to read and write codes for a large no. of platforms varying for micro controllers to advanced scientific systems.
If you learn C, learning C ++ becomes easier.
Course Features:
Language: English
Duration: 120 hours (2 months)
Learning Mode: Center
Jurisdiction: Nationwide
Certificate of Completion
Learner should preferably a std. 10th Pass student (Not Compulsory)
It is desirable that Learner should have done MS-CIT Course (Not Compulsory)
Do you enjoy coding? Do you want to build your career in Programming?
Start learning C Programming with us!
This programming language is a widely used and developed to write an operating system. Also, to do application level programming. This is the building block of Computer Technology.
What you'll learn ?
This course covers the fundamentals of Computer theories including the flow of a program using branch statements, repetition, nesting of structures, creating and modifying arrays, how arrays are organized in memory.
After completing this course, you can work as a Programmer, Embedded Programmer, System Engineer, System S/W Engineer, Network Security Engineer and Game Programmer.
KLiC courses are recognised by Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU).
MKCL provides certificate to the KLiC learner after his/her successful course completion.
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) provides mark sheet to successfully passed KLiC learners (Jurisdiction: Maharashtra).
Academic Approach
The academic approach of the courses focuses on the “work-centric” education i.e. begin with work (and not from a book!), derive knowledge from work and apply that knowledge to make the work more wholesome, useful and delightful.
The ultimate objective is to empower the Learner to engage in socially useful and productive work. It aims at leading the learner to his/her rewarding career as an employee or entrepreneur as well as development of the community to which s/he belongs.
Learning methodology:
Step -1: Learners are given an overview of the course and its connection to life and work.
Step -2: Learners are exposed to the specific tool(s) used in the course through the various real-life applications of the tool(s).
Step -3: Learners are acquainted with the careers and the hierarchy of roles they can perform at workplaces after attaining increasing levels of mastery over the tool(s).
Step -4: Learners are acquainted with the architecture of the tool or tool map so as to appreciate various parts of the tool, their functions, utility and inter-relations.
Step -5: Learners are exposed to simple application development methodology by using the tool at the beginner’s level.
Step -6: Learners perform the differential skills related to the use of the tool to improve the given ready-made industry-standard outputs.
Step -7: Learners are engaged in appreciation of real-life case studies developed by the experts.
Step -8: Learners are encouraged to proceed from appreciation to imitation of the experts.
Step -9: After the imitation experience, they are required to improve the expert’s outputs so that they proceed from mere imitation to emulation.
Step-10: Emulation is taken a level further from working with differential skills towards the visualization and creation of a complete output according to the requirements provided. (Long Assignments)
Step-11: Understanding the requirements, communicating one’s own thoughts and presenting are important skills required in facing an interview for securing a work order/job. For instilling these skills, learners are presented with various subject-specific technical as well as HR-oriented questions and encouraged to answer them.
Step-12: Finally, they develop the integral skills involving optimal methods and best practices to produce useful outputs right from scratch, publish them in their ePortfolio and thereby proceed from emulation to self-expression, from self-expression to self-confidence and from self-confidence to self-reliance and self-esteem!
Programming Language
About C Programming
C Character Set
Constants, Variables & Keywords
Constants in C
Variables in C
Writing a C Program
Instructions and Assignments
Basic Operators in C Programming
Decisions Control Structure & the If Statement
The if-else Statement
Use of Logical Operators
Different types of Operators
Points to remember
Loops and the While loop
While Loop
For Loop
Operators in Loop
The Odd Loop
Break Statement
Continue Statement
Do-while loop
Tips to remember
Decisions using switch
The Tips and Traps
Switch versus if-else Ladder
The goto keyword
About Functions
Passing Values between Functions
Scope Rule of Functions
Calling Convention
One Dicey Issue
Advanced Features of Functions
Function Declaration and Prototypes
Call by Value or Call by Reference
An Introduction to Pointers
Pointer Notation
Function Calls
Basics of Call by value and call by reference
Recursion and Stack
Adding Functions to the Library
Data type
Integer number variables
Integers, signed and unsigned
Chars, signed and unsigned
Floats and Doubles
Issues related to Data types
Storage Classes in C
Automatic Storage Class
Register Storage Class
Static Storage Class
External Storage Class
To study the Ground rules for the Storage Class
Features of C Preprocessor
Preprocessor and Macro Directives
Macros with Arguments and Macros versus Functions
Various Directives
What are Arrays?
Usage of Arrays
Pointers and Arrays
Passing an Entire Array to a Function
Two Dimensional Arrays
Initializing a 2-Dimensional Array
Memory Map of a 2-Dimensional Array
Pointers and 2-Dimensional Arrays
Pointer to an Array 295
Passing 2-D array to a Function
Array of Pointers
Three Dimensional Array
What are Strings?
Pointers and Strings
Standard Library String Functions
Two-Dimensional Array of Characters
Array of Pointers to Strings
Limitations of Array of Pointers to Strings
Why Use Structures?
Declaring a Structure
Accessing Structure Elements
Array of Structures
Additional Features of Structures
Uses of Structures
Types of I/O
Formatted Console I/O Functions
sprintf( ) and sscanf( ) Functions
Unformatted Console I/O Functions
Data Organization
File Operations
Opening a File
Reading from a File
Trouble in Opening a File
Closing the File
Counting Characters, Tabs, Spaces
A File-copy Program
Writing to a File
File Opening Modes
String (line) I/O in Files
The Awkward Newline
Record I/O inFiles
Text Files and Binary Files
Record I/O Revisited
Database Management
Low Level Disk I/O
A Low Level File-copy Program
I/O Under Windows
Using argc and argv
Detecting Errors in Reading/Writing
Standard I/O Devices
I/O Redirection
Redirecting the Output
Redirecting the Input & Both Ways at Once
Binay System & Bitwise Operators
Bitwise AND Operator
Bitwise OR Operator
Bitwise XOR Operator
One's Complement Operator
Shift Operator
The showbits( ) Function
Enumerated Data Type and its uses
Understanding with a Program
Renaming Data Types with typedef
Bit Fields
Pointers to Functions
Functions Returning Pointers
Functions with Variable Number of Arguments
Unions & Union of Structure
Uses of Windows
The Use of typedef
Pointers in the 32-bit World
Memory Management & Device Access
DOS Programming Model
Windows Programming Model
Event Driven Model & Windows programming
The First Windows Program
Hungarian Notation
The Role of a Message Box
Here Comes the windows
More Windows
A Real-World Window
Creation and Displaying of Window
Interaction with Window
Reacting to Messages
Program Instances
Graphics fundamentals
Device Independent Drawing
Hello Windows program
Drawing Shapes
Types of Pens
Types of Brushes
Code and Resources
Freehand Drawing, the Paintbrush Style
Capturing the Mouse
Device Context, a Closer Look
Displaying a Bitmap
Animation at Work
WM_CREATE and On Create( )
WM_TIMER and On Timer( )
Points to remember
Hardware Interaction
Hardware Interaction, DOS Perspective
Hardware Interaction, Windows Perspective
Communication with Storage Devices
The Read Sector( ) Function
Accessing Other Storage Devices
Communication with Keyboard
Dynamic Linking
Windows Hooks
Caps Locked, Permanently
Mangling Keys
Key Logger
What is Linux
C Programming Under Linux
The ‘Hello Linux’ Program
Parent and Child Processes
More Processes
Zombies and Orphans
Communication using Signals
Handling Multiple Signals
Registering a Common Handler
Blocking Signals
Event Driven Programming
Introduction to Memory Map
Memory Organization
Loading OS & Booting Process
The resident and transient memory area
Program memory area at run time
Memory representation of data & function objects
Lexical pitfalls
Exceptions, String & characters
Understanding Declaration
Exceptions in Operators' precedence
Use of Semicolons
The Switch statement
Calling functions
The Dangling else problem
External Types
Expression evaluation sequence
Issues related to actual parameters
Eschew Synecdoche
Library Function
Portability pitfalls
Signed & Unsigned characters
Random numbers
Portability problems
Evaluation Pattern
Evaluation Pattern of KLiC Courses consists of 4 Sections as per below table:
Section No.
Section Name
Total Marks
Minimum Passing Marks
Learning Progression
Internal Assessment
Final Online Examination
SUPWs (Socially Useful and Productive Work in form of Assignments)
5 Assignments
2 Assignments to be Completed & Uploaded
YCMOU Mark Sheet
Printed Mark Sheet will be issued by YCMOU on successful completion of Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3 and will be delivered to the learner by MKCL.
YCMOU Mark Sheet will be available only for Maharashtra jurisdiction learners.
MKCL's KLiC Certificate
The certificate will be provided to the learner who will satisfy the below criteria:
Learners who have successfully completed above mentioned 3 Sections i.e. Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3
Additionally, learner should have completed Section 4 (i.e. Section 4 will comprise of SUPWs i.e. Socially Useful and Productive Work in form of Assignments)
Learner has to complete and upload minimum 2 out of 5 Assignments
KLiC Courses Fee Structure from 01 January, 2025
From 01 January 2025 onwards, the fees for all KLiC courses in ALCs of Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (MMRDA), Pune Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (PMRDA) and Rest of Maharashtra will be applicable as shown in the table below:
KLiC Courses of 120 Hours:
Total Fee (Rupees)
Single Installment (Rupees)
Two Installments (Rupees)
Single Installment
Two Installments
Total fee is including of Course fees, Examination fees and Certification fees
Important Points:
* Above mentioned fee is applicable for all Modes of KLiC Courses offered at Authorised Learning Center (ALC) and at Satellite Center
* Total fee is including of Course fees, Examination fees and Certification fees
* MKCL reserves the right to modify the Fees of Courses during the year without any prior notice and MKCL shall not be liable to anyone for any such modification/s